Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Phone Screen Photoshop

This assignment was to put a screen onto a blank phone. I did not have much time as I was late to class, but i will be re-uploading a MUCH better product. this is what I finished in about 5 mins: (have to upload something)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Drumset Teaser ;)

Here is a quick shot of the logo of my drum set, the Sonor Force 3007 kit. It's an all maple kit in fusion sizes. More pics of setup to come!

Downtown Pics

Here are some pictures I took of the Kensington Market and surrounding area. The sky some of the days were full of really dark clouds in some areas, while the sun still shone in others, this gave an awesome dark and moody feeling to some of the pictures, with cool contrast.

Power Penguins!

Our first Photoshop class included how to make LIGHTNING! It was put to use in a picture of penguins. This simple effect, although cheesy at times, is fun to play around with, and can be cool if used properly.

Here is a variation:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

DMA Textures Pt.1

Here are three textures to start off the bundle for this semester! I have kept them in their original forms to allow them to have full capabilities to any alterations. This way I (or someone) can utilize the true colours if needed, or enhance them from their original form.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

3D Ilustrato Work

Had this as an assignment from last semester, just finally posting it up here! I had fun creating this, albeit my computer chugging through it :P! The bubbles i made with layers and different transparencies and oval shapes, and a radial blur was used for the fan. The background is different brushes. Simple tools which I feel created a pretty cool picture (IMO).

 The mapped art on the bubbles bottle is not mine, it was taken from Google images