Saturday, November 20, 2010

Skateboard Deisgn

For our assignment to create a skateboard design with the theme 'predator(s)', I have rough ideas of how to design my skateboard, but have not landed on anything yet. I have a general concept in my head right now, and have jotted down some sketches (random or relevant) that will become part of the final design. Although this post is not the actual Skateboard Design Outline, it is a rough idea of what I am thinking of or working with at the moment.

The dominant focus of the board will contain parts of these sketches:

Colour options include teal, red and black, or yellow ,with white trims (all together):
 or a gradient of purple such as this:

And for a texture, as of now I am thinking of using stucco.

*Final outline for design will be posted soon.*

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