Thursday, February 2, 2012

Visual Audio Assignment Part 1

The goal of this assignment was stated as:

"You have been asked to provide an audio experience proof of concept using just this simple FLA sample file and replace the visual elements and audio source.

There is a catch - no vector data can be used for the visual assets. The replacement visual assets must be bitmap based( aka Jpg, png etc …. )

The second requirement, The bitmap based replacement assets must have some connection to the audio that can be
explained in a few sentences. "

So here-we-GO!

Using an open source FLA file from HYPE frameworks, I first had troubles finding a song that worked somewhat well with the original code. I had ideas for faster songs, but they did not capture as smoothly as I had hoped. This led me to experiment with one of the slower songs that I had  created with my band called Just Joking. **Free to download at**

The spinning background picture of the galaxy (found here: was used to give the feel of vastness and to calm and sooth the viewer. I feel it suits the music, in that it is easy going (slow spin) while still figuratively explaining the intensity of the songs lyrics. The second lighter spiral (found here: was used to emphasize the effect of the first image, in a reverse rotation.

Finding an image to use for the bitmap content was the hardest part of this so far. I had no idea how to represent the music, and with what images. It is a darker song, and so some first ideas were an eyeball, which added weirdness, but did not relate. Next I thought of some sort of explosion to relate to the space background, but this did not relate to the music again, and I could not find a suitable picture. So after thinking and experimenting with different pictures for quite a while, I listened to the lyrics carefully, and finally derived my interpretation of the them of time. And so, I decided to use a simple but effective clock, found here: ( I found one without hands because I felt it better suited the music as being 'timeless'.

From this prototype, I would like to, if at all possible represent the sound with images of the instruments being played. So for example, when you would here a bass drum THUD, it would be represented by a bass drum. Same thing for guitar, or cymbals, etc.

Here are some example screen shots of different results throughout the song:

I encountered some errors and difficulty arranging and sizing the clocks. I was going back and forth between 3 clocks and the 8 now, and noticed it displayed better with the 8, and gave a fuller effect albeit the 'cluttter' compared to the 3. I also had trouble bringing it into after affects, because it would become extremely pixelateded once it was created into a new composition. From the suggested tutorial we were provided for this (found here: ) I realized was not needed for my composition.

From this I would like to find out how to attach seperate pictures to the different frequency levels if possibly and be able to move them around, so they are not in a line. I would also like to continue experimenting with other songs and see if consistency can be fixed.

Here is the final video! I had fun making this, and am going to continue experimenting new songs and possibilities.

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